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Alumni Feature: Lina Shamoun

Updated: Feb 1, 2019

Lina Shamoun has inspired and positively impacted so many youth toward gainful and meaningful employment, while finding time to raise significant funds for local charities, and generously giving of her time as a volunteer.

Every year, Ms. Shamoun renews her commitment as an apprenticeship supporter by taking new graduates under her highly-skilled wing and mentoring them on to their own professional success. Lina also gives her time every year as a volunteer judge at the Skills Ontario Competition, put on by our very own Skills Ontario, a non-profit organization. This is the largest skilled trades and technologies competition in Canada, allowing 2400+ student-competitors to display their skills in front of 35,000+ spectators. Many of those already of age leave with job offers in hand. All leave inspired and with a sense of pride and accomplishment. This is the very competition that kicked off Lina’s own successful career and she has never stopped paying forward her success. Her national competition successes since her inaugural competition with us are too many to list in this letter, but can be found here:

As if this was not enough, Ms. Shamoun also uses her business success and local-fame to raise funds in her community. She is the founder of the successful community charity event, Hair United.

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